Prior to obtaining your sealing licence, you must complete a three-step process information session offered by a Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) certified instructor.

Fishery officers (Conservation & Protection) are all certified instructors, but they only give this information session in very rare cases.

Having followed the steps indicated in the Regional Policy for the Recognition of Trainers Authorized to Offer Training on the Humane Slaughter (Three-Step Process) of Seals, the Director of IQSA is one of the few instructors (outside DFO) to be able to offer these sessions, which are offered online at a cost of $60/person.

Typically, information sessions are offered in the fall and winter, with two sessions per season.

We invite you to subscribe to our Facebook page ((8) Facebook) to learn the details.

N.B.: The times given for those sessions are those of the Maritimes (one hour later than on the mainland).

Once you have chosen a date that suits you, in order to complete your registration, you will need to:

  1. Send your personal information at :
    1. name and surname
    2. home address (complete)
    3. email
    4. phone number
    5. birthdate
  2. Pay for the session via Interac e-Transfer using either the phone number 418.937.9222 or email
  3. Once all steps are completed, you will receive a hyperlink to get access to the information session. Typically, you will receive that link a couple of days prior to the session.

*Note: If any of these information/steps are missing, your registration may be rejected.           


Once your information session is completed, the Intra-Quebec Sealers Association (IQSA) will provide your certification and contact information to DFO. You must then:

  1. Register to the National Online Licensing System (NOLS) in For assistance, you can contact their customer service toll-free at 1-877-535-7307.
  2. Once registered, you must apply for a license online (Submit Request)
  3. Under Request Type, select Application for New License.
  4. In the Application Sub-Type tab, select either Seal-Assistant (allowing you to accompany a professional) or Seal-Personal Use, giving you access to a maximum of six (6) seals per year (either grey seal or harp seal).

N.B.: The Seal-Personal Use is only available to those who have a permanent address in one of the coastal regions designated by DFO (Magdalen Islands, North Shore, Gaspé Peninsula, Lower St. Lawrence). As there is no specific map that defines the limits of these areas, those with uncertainties about their status should contact their local DFO office directly.

General Information:

A holder of a personal use licence does not have to renew his or her licence every year. The information session is therefore valid until the next major amendment to the Marine Mammal Regulations.

An assistant hunter also does not have to renew his licence every year, but to become a professional hunter, an assistant hunter, from the age of 18, will automatically become a professional after officially registering hunting activities supervised by a professional/commercial two years in a row.

If he or she skips a year, it starts again at year 1.

Once a professional, sealers MUST renew their licence annually or they will lose it and have to start the process all over again. Typically, DFO sends renewal messages to commercial (professional) licence holders at the start of every year.

**N.B.: Don't forget to activate your profile at least once a year as failure to do so will deactivate your profile and you will need to contact DFO to regain access.